Yes, Miriam and I are going to run the Ottawa half marathon on the weekend of May 25th. We started training a few weeks back, and even invested in some running shoes - as you do I guess. Miriam left for Europe/UK a few days back (for work), and when I spoke to her last night (UK time) she was about to go for a run while looking at the sights of London - kind of like a bus tour, but without the bus and the annoying (not so) funny tourist from you know where sitting behind you cracking jokes at the guided commentary.
I managed to get the 'runners high' yesterday and ended up running just over 21km (so technically I have finished my first unofficial half marathon). My legs a little sore today!
There are two seasons here in Ottawa - Winter and Summer (except for a few weeks of Fall and a couple of Spring). It is as if someone has just flicked the switch from cold to hot. A couple of weeks back we had highs of 26, a few days before the highs were in the negative figures. The (almost) record snowfall, disappeared within a week and now the tulips are out for the Worlds Largest Tulip Festival - this also means that we have been in Ottawa for just over 1 year (2 days before ANZAC day to be exact).
Yes, we went along to the ANZAC service (this year hosted by the Australian High Commission) - it was a good service that finished with a hot breakfast - nice one Aussies.
I had the honour of meeting New Zealand's Governor General, Anand Satyanand, and his wife Susan at a reception hosted by the NZ H.C. Miriam was a little gutted to miss the opportunity as she was (and still is) in the overseas for work.
The last few months of Winter (well all of Winter) was a blast. We managed to get up snowboarding/skiing a lot and our skills improved 10 fold. I can now go goofy down diamond runs, do 180s, and jump at speed. Loved it and missing it already. However, we are getting into the Spring/Summer sports now - we are both running (as I mentioned earlier) also we are playing ultimate Frisbee , I'm playing beach volleyball and hockey, and have been out on the bike a few times (80 clicks last Sunday).

I mentioned above that there are two seasons in Ottawa (Summer and Winter). Well the locals also say that the two seasons are Winter and Road work season. And I believe it! Because Ottawa gets so much snow, ice, and freezing temperatures over Winter, road crews, building contractors etc cannot work outside. And because of the freeze/thaw of the road surface over the latter part of Winter (also because of the snowploughs and graders), huge pot holes appear all over the place. The roads are unbelievable in places - with huge potholes that can completely ruin your car wheels. The Ottawa council pay out 5% of all law suits against them because of the 'holey' roads that damage cars.
Miriam went out West a few weeks back to see her good friends Penny (in Kicking Horse ), and Jocasta in Calgary. She took her skis with her and had a blast in the fresh powder - she also managed to score free lift tickets, as Penny worked and lived at the Kicking Horse resort. I will add the pics a little later (as they are still on the camera, and the camera is in the UK at the mo. - so I can't upload them).
Work has been v. busy lately and I've launched 3 new websites for the embassy. I'm now involved in recording various speakers and Ambassador speeches and then creating podcasts for the sites - of which will be online soon. It is also an interesting time working in Public Affairs during these times with what is coming up in November (and the yearly lead up to it).
So we have been here for a year - it has gone very quick. He both miss home, but have made the most of being here - met some awesome people, seen some wicked places, and done some pretty cool things. In short we are enjoying it over here!
I will leave you with some pics that I pulled off the phone (a few pics of some food from a truck stop in the States, on our way down to NYC - the Coca-Cola 'Gulpers' held about 6 litres of coke, and you could get this with your triple (yes triple) whopper and extra large fries - these pics help us stay motivated for the half marathon).
Also a couple of short snowboarding vids.
I will try and write a post every week - as every month is a bit poor really, eh!

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