Let`s go back - way back to Christmas 08.
Christmas 08, as you can see by the video in the previous post was a ski>boarding Christmas at Le Massif in Quebec. Man it was sweet as! Not so many people, awesome snow and the sun was-a-shinning. We stayed in Baie St Paul - about 20mins down the road at a B&B right on the St Lawrence River`s edge.

New Year`s was spent with some friends at a cottage just out of Ottawa on the Quebec side, near the entrance to Gatineau Park. We made a snowboard jump in the front yard, and did some cross country skiing - you can check out the video in the post below.

January and February were busy months for me work wise. In January I had to present at a conference>discussion on Web 2.0 in Copenhagen. At the conference there were work colleagues from all the European posts. It was a great week, met some great people and had a few good nights out in Copenhagen. Copenhagen is such a clean, green city - everybody bikes everywhere, no matter what - eg, people dressed to the max (going to a party or concert) would bike. The city is expensive as well - cost me about $13CAN for a McDonalds meal.

Feb 6 - Waitangi Day, we caught up with a whole bunch of kiwi and Canadian friends at a local pub. It was a good night had by all.
In February Canada had a visit from President Obama - so even though he was only in Ottawa for 6 hours, I had a (very busy) day working behind the seens with the Whitehouse press, and the US TV networks. I was tweeting all day as well. below are some pics of the day (including Obama`s limo (The beast) parked in the work garage.

During that same week, Miriam was in New York, as her mum was performing at Carnegie Hall with the Sweet Adelines. She said it was amazing - pretty awesome achivement to be singing at `that hall`.
Then the next Monday I had a colonscopy - nice one! Let`s not going into detail here.
So March. Well, I`ve just got back from Ben and Heather`s wedding out in Fernie BC. The ceromony had an amazing backdrop - set in amongst the snow covered trees, snow all over the place, and the mountain peaking through the gap in the trees. It was a good week in Fernie, catching up, meeting Heathers family, catching up with Ben`s family and Fernie mates, doing a little bit of GT racing, and snow boarding. The only downer was that I caught a killer cold (still got it now) - it didn`t help much when I was giving the best man`s speech - but it went down alright. The stag was a great night, although Ben ended up sleeping for much of it in a nude suit.

The Winter here has been a little weird. It has been extremely cold, we have had a little bit of snow, a bit of rain and a few warm days - it wasn`t quite the winter of 07>08 (as seen and talked about in previous posts).

Let`s hope Spring is a warm one.
Can`t wait for ultimate, the half marathon in May (although I have to start the training, once I shake this cold eh), and getting out on the bike.
We may go for a trip out to New Foundland - The Irish part of Canada, out East.
As always there are a bunch of photos on the FlickR website - including the pics of the Ottawa Bus strike that went for more than 50 days. Imagine it, Winter, -30`s, and no public transport! There were some 'unreal' traffic jams. Miriam ended up ice skating along the canal to work a few times - a distance of 15km on the ice -there and back.
Stay tuned.